Autumn, I Love You

Autumn officially arrived the other day, when the frost-covered plants and dew-speckled spider webs greeted me as the sun rose over the mountains.  I breathed a visible "Hello" to anyone listening. It was hinted at all week. And the week before that. The air tinged with the promise of crisp mornings and warm afternoons; of …

A handmade life?

I originally designed this website/blog as a showcase for my crocheted and crafted goods. However, even from the beginning, I knew that wasn't exactly what I wanted. I want to create a space where I can share with others my journey from buying into the consumerism-hype, not caring about the loss of quality in our …

I’m An Amazing Hooker. Be Jealous.

I first saw this on Pinterest, but I couldn't resist seeing if I could get it. This image comes from CafePress, which is a pretty cool online shop where you can buy already printed items or have your own designs printed.

Noise Pollution

Today happened to be a wonderfully beautiful day, so I convinced myself that I should be out of doors (it's never difficult to convince myself to shirk responsibility and play outside). I decided to go for a walk to the beach and listen to the ocean for a little while, which has the ability to …

Shut up, yarn!

I am visually stimulated very easily. Before going to a yarn store I have to budget how much I can spend and then wait for the right moment when I am feeling in control. The vast array of colors and materials call out to all of my senses. Yarn can be very manipulative, "Take me …